namlow 发表于 2015-10-1 09:43:16

East Timor 东帝汶客家话

本帖最后由 namlow 于 2015-10-1 09:48 编辑
East Timor 东帝汶客家话
Uploaded on Aug 8, 2007
A short introduction to the Hakka language as spoken by the Chinese minority in East Timor
"Director: João Paulo Esperança; Camera-woman: Adriana Gesteiro; Actresses/Informers: Lolita Lay Jong & Leonita Lay Jong (alias Añafa & Añufa)"

It is not the guy (me) who's Hakka, it's the two girls. I'm speaking Portuguese, they're speaking Hakka. The Scots, the English, the Irish, a part of the Indians, the Australians, the Americans, they all speak English with different accents and some words are used only in specific places. Hakka as spoken in Taiwan is not exactly the same as in RPC in Moyen (Mexian) or in Dabu. The East Timorese Hakka Chinese came from different parts of mainland China and use loanwords from local languages too.GoogleTranslate:上传于2007年8月8日


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