yanxiuhong 发表于 2006-11-16 14:42:54


英文标题:An Etymological study of ang⁵ in Hakka and Cantonese dialects


Abstract:It is observed that the ang⁵ can be used to indicate (re-)iteration in most Hakka and some Cantonese dialects. In Heyuan and some Cantonese dialects, ang⁵ acts as an adverb which is used not only before an adjective but also before a momentum phrase. The question is: where did this morpheme come from? Does it have a corresponding orthographic form that through phonological change has become opaque to the modern speakers? Through comparative studies across relevant dialects and with the support of further evidence from archived documents, this paper explores the possibility of the phonological shift of the velar stop to glottal stop [?] and concludes that ang⁵ is derived from *kang⁵ with the corresponding character更。This case study puts into the foreground that even non-systematical change of phonological forms should be taken seriously in the study of etymology when there is strong typological evidence.

中文关键词:客家话 粤语 再 本字考证

英文关键词:Hakka, Cantonese, iterative morpheme, Etymology

第六届客家话研讨会 厦门大学2004年12 月18日宣读;发表于《语言研究》第四期,2006年12月,发表时限于篇幅,经过删略。


客风 发表于 2006-11-17 15:30:35

http://kejiawc.vicp.net/upload/U ... 5inHakkaYue-New.pdf
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 客家话及部分粤语ang⁵(再)字考释*(作者:严修鸿)